You might choose to layer your five-grain roti with this. Or choose to top a bowl of dal bukhara with it. Drizzle some over hot, steaming rice or daintily pour a few drops along with maple syrup and tuck into a piping pancake. From the traditional kitchens in India, ghee has taken flight around the world. Clarified butter, as it is often called, is considered fashionable, healthy and delicious. This ancient superfood, synonymous with Ayurveda, has irrefutably surpassed modern debates on other alternatives, unhealthy fats, and fashionable fads.
Desi cow ghee is for all the ages. Since birth, Oh! Even from the pregnancy of a mother, it is suggested to have desi cow ghee for baby’s good health. Ghee is being used for baby’s massage. Then he grows with a spoon of health every day and even in old age ghee is recommended for ojas and healthy life. Throughout our life, we see many usages of ghee from cooking to medicines. Ghee offers a total health solution for a human being. We get strong bones, healthy eyes, sharp memory, and managed weight by adding a spoon of desi cow ghee in our daily diet.
Which ghee is better, cow ghee or buffalo ghee?
Cow milk & ghee are believed to be more sattvic – pure and purifying. On the other hand, buffalo milk and ghee are more tamasic – dulling the senses. Also, cow ghee has all the five elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth. This is similar to ojas which is the subtle life force that is responsible for one’s energy, vitality and immunity.
Here are a few things you need to know about desi cow ghee.
How does ghee benefit us vis-à-vis milk and other dairy products?
The absence of lactose and casein (protein) is what makes ghee suitable for people who cannot digest dairy (lactose intolerant). It is more stable than milk and will stay for long periods of time at room temperature. It can also be used as a substitute for butter and oil due to its high smoke point, at 450 degrees. The higher the smoke point, the better the quality and refinement of the oil. These qualities help it build the body, unit by unit. It also helps to increase the sattvic qualities in us and in the environment. The health benefits extend to the body and mind; it helps them burn with a refined brilliance.
Read our blog – Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?

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What is the benefit of using desi cow ghee?
Lubricates the body
Whether applied externally or taken internally, desi cow ghee nourishes and lubricates tissues in the body. It reduces dry skin, dry colon, inflammation and stiff joints. It makes you more lustrous and flexible.
Rekindles the digestive fire
Ghee stimulates the secretion of acids in the stomach that help break down food. It also helps remove toxins and promotes elimination, thus improving digestive quality.
Promotes better absorption of nutrients
Ghee increases the capability of the intestinal walls to absorb nutrients. This quality also enhances the healing power of the herbs you ingest.
Nourishes the brain and nervous system
Our brain is composed of 60 percent fat. It needs all kinds of fats including saturated fats found in ghee. There a small requirement of saturated fats in our body. It is one of the main components of our brain cells. The myelin sheath which covers the axons of nerve cells is made of saturated fats. Saturated fats such as ghee are essential for healthy brain and nerve activities. Those people who have a shortage of saturated fats in their body suffer from dementia. Desi cow ghee make us smarter and essential for good brain & nerves development. Growing kids and children should be given a little desi ghee in their foods every day.

Source of fatty acids
Ghee is the main source of Butyrate fatty acid. This is vital for the health of the intestinal walls, reducing chances of inflammation. It is ideal for conditions such as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. This fatty acid also helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Possesses anti-inflammatory properties
Ghee helps control allergies, arthritis, and autoimmune conditions, as it has anti-inflammatory agents.
Ghee benefits the eyes
In Ayurveda, ghee, along with Triphala and honey, is used to improve ocular (eye) health.
Increases the effectiveness of medicinal herbs
Ghee is a well-known catalyst (anupana) and has the unique ability to drive the healing properties of the medicinal herbs deep into the seven body tissues (sapta dhatus). This increases the effectiveness & healing potency of the herbs dispensed.

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How is ghee used in Panchakarma treatment?
- It penetrates into and helps dissolve the ama or toxins in the dhatus or basic elements of the body. The wastes are, then, carried to the intestinal tract and expelled.
- Ghee enables healing and facilitates recovery from wounds.
- Cow ghee is considered one of the best substances for self-massage, increasing the overall strength, luster and beauty of the body.
- Ghee increases agni, helpful to digest food, without aggravating the pitta dosha – fire element – in the body. Ghee calms the pitta and vata. Hence, it is ideal for those suffering from vata and pitta imbalance disorders.
- Ghee rejuvenates and contributes to longevity. It slows the aging process.

How is desi cow ghee beneficial in Ayurveda and home remedies?
- A tsp of desi cow ghee before food in the morning helps relieve pain in the bladder region.
- Make a thick paste of flour around the orbit of the eye. Fill this with cow ghee and open and close your eyes. This will help strengthen your eye power.
- Consuming garlic with desi ghee can help treat chronic fever.
- Mix amla powder and raisins with ghee and keep in your mouth for a few minutes. It helps relieve the dryness of the palate and oral cavity.
- Consume haritaki powder with ghee to help relieve burning sensation in the stomach.
- Instill a fine mixture of saffron and ghee into each nostril early in the morning on an empty stomach. This helps relieve migraine.
- Add cow ghee and sugar to a Triphala decoction to treat anemia; it improves liver function.
What are the contraindications, if any, for ghee?
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, it is important that you use ghee sparingly in your diet:
- Excessive toxins in the system
- High cholesterol
- Are overweight or obese
- Excessive kapha in the system
Ghee increases intelligence. It refines the buddhi or intellect and improves the smrti or memory. Ghee also builds the aura, making all the organs soft. Basically, it increases rasa – the internal juices of the body.
Like all good things, use it judiciously and you can enjoy the health benefits of ghee.
- Consuming one tablespoon of ghee along with a warm glass of water works like a tonic for the body. This assists in draining out toxins, works as a natural ointment and benefits gut health.
- Adding warm ghee to the rice may aid the diabetics to digest the sucrose from rice effectively. Consuming ghee to high glycaemic foods may aid in reducing the effects of carbohydrates on your blood sugar levels. Ghee aids to smoothen the digestive tract and makes sure of a healthy gut.
- Research advises that ghee is a beneficial addition as it can go well with glucose metabolism. Products like ghee contain linoleic acid that has shown to help fight against cardiovascular diseases.
- Glycemic Index distinguishes how often any food item can escalate your blood sugar. Carbonated beverages and food shoot up the blood sugar, while food containing fiber and protein consists of a lower glycemic index.
- Ghee helps to balance our neural as well as intestinal health. Not only just the diabetic people, but desi ghee nutrition is advantageous for health-conscious people.
- It has been always advisable that you hear out to your doctor on the quantity of ghee safe to consume. One could always add ghee to the food or use it as a substitute to oil and butter. Consuming quality ghee in minimum quantity is the key.
How much ghee is good for you?
Use about ½ teaspoon (tsp) per meal. On an average, consume less than 1.5 tsp on a daily basis.
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