Before consuming rotis, curries & dals laced with ghee, you should read this. For Indians, cow ghee is a way of life rather than just a food item. Desi cow ghee has dominated most Indian kitchens for centuries. Use of desi cow ghee in food items is viewed as a symbol of quality and richness. To add to the chaos, some babas, gurus, bapus and other godmen advocate usage of ghee in diet. It is not wonder people are in a confused state by these conflicting streams of advice. Today I am going to talk about the benefits of ghee and clear all your doubts so you can safely include desi ghee to your daily diet. Before we go ahead, let’s take a look at the nutritional information of ghee.
One tablespoon (15 gm) of ghee has approximately 135 calories, all of which come from fat. That small amount of ghee has 15 gm of total fat and 9 gm of saturated fat or 45 percent of the recommended daily value. A tablespoon of ghee also has 45 mg of cholesterol or 15 percent of the recommended daily value. Ghee is free of sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar & protein.
Ghee is used as ayurvedic medicine and a staple in Indian cooking. Cow ghee contains many important nutrients which help in making the body healthy and prevent diseases. It impacts large portions of the body from the eye to the stomach; even the bones tend to get strong due to the consumption of ghee. Ghee is also used on wounds to speed up healing. Desi ghee which is produced from grass-fed cow’s milk has medicinal value and offers several health benefits. It primarily contains butterfat, along with water & milk proteins. Ghee is made following a simple procedure of boiling butter and then removing the butterfat. Its proteins (whey & casein) and milk solids are removed this way. Cow ghee is what is left behind.
Benefits Of Desi Cow Ghee

Promotes digestion
Desi cow ghee helps in improving digestive strength by revitalizing secretion of enzymes. Desi ghee is easy to absorb and metabolize as it contains lower chain fatty acids. People with weak digestion must consume desi ghee so that their body can break down their food in a better manner. Cow ghee is among those rare food items that help in balancing bile without diminishing the intestinal potential of the body. Constipation can be cured with cow ghee. If one consumes a spoonful of ghee mixed in lukewarm milk, they can achieve healthy bowels in the morning.
Improves bone development
The consumption of ghee helps in enhancing the bone strength and stamina. In fact, the richest source of fat-soluble vitamins is cow’s ghee. They aid in healthy growth and development of bones and brain, also maintaining their normal functioning. If the body receives ghee at a sustained level, it improves its immunity against several disorders by developing body tissues. It also helps sensory organs to work properly. Capabilities of the brain like wisdom, memory & intellect also increase due to the consumption of cow ghee.
Improve eye health
Cow ghee can be used for an activity called ‘Tarpana‘. Here a mixture is applied around the eyes, which is made with a chunky paste of flour & the mixture is filled with herbal ghee. The individual is asked to open his or her eyes and then close them again and again. According to ayurveda, this procedure enhance and strengthens the power of the eyes and helps in improving eyesight. Desi cow ghee prepared with Triphala can be used for this process. Desi ghee along with Triphala and honey is believed to improve vision. Desi ghee can be applied on the eyes for strengthening the eyes. The eyes can be washed with ghee for attaining soothing results when slight itching or burning sensation occurs in one’s eyes.
Controls Diabetes
Fats that are presumed to be found in ghee aids in absorbing the nutrition from the freshly cooked food that you are consuming. Such processes assist in boosting the immunity system of the body that additionally benefits in the management of diabetes. Besides, the subsistence of linoleic acid in ghee assists in reducing the possibilities of several cardiovascular diseases which is an ordinary complication in diabetes patients. Fat deposits that are assembled in the body in such a way that they are also melted down by the significant consumption of ghee thereby aiding to better maintain diabetes.
Controls Lactose Intolerance
People who commonly experience bloating can intake ghee which continues to grow in popularity as it consists of minimum to no lactose as it is not dairy-free, though ghee may be a beneficial option for those who are lactose intolerant. The objective is as it is made up of extremely low levels of lactose and casein (a milk protein). People who objectify consuming dairy products for digestive reasons may balance ghee better than butter. According to Research, ghee is presumed to be fat in nature, while lactose is presumed to be a carbohydrate in nature. Our body utilizes two entirely separate mechanisms to process both. Adding more to being lower in lactose, ghee also contains remarkable levels of butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that has been presumed to maintain anti-inflammatory effects and healing on the gut. Turns out to be advantageous news as being lactose intolerant consist of symptoms of nausea, gas, bloating, stomach cramps induced by the incapability to collapse lactose in the small intestine.
Protects arteries
Ghee contains K2 vitamin which aid reducing the calcium deposition in the arteries, thus protecting against the calcification of arteries. It helps the heart in functioning well by decreasing harmful blood cholesterol levels and boosting the good blood cholesterol level.
Read our blog- Benefits of desi cow ghee for weight loss, a teaspoon daily on empty stomach will help you lose weight

Buy Pure Desi Cow Ghee Online : Order Now. Free Shipping
1) GHEE IS LACTOSE AND CASEIN FREE: Ghee does not contain the milk solids, it is almost lactose & casein-free, which can make it a better choice for those with intolerances to these than butter. It is made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), making it easier to digest. Not only is Ghee great for people with lactose intolerances but it can also help fight gut problems like IBS.
2) GHEE IS CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST OILS FOR BAKING, SAUTÉING & DEEP FRYING: Ghee has a higher smoking point than butter. This is a benefit when cooking since smoke point is that moment when fats degenerate into harmful compounds which can be toxic for our health.
3) GHEE HAS A RICH, SWEET & DELICIOUSLY NUTTY FLAVOR: A little amount of desi ghee adds a lot of flavor to the food. One tablespoon of desi ghee can replace up to three tablespoons of oil or butter in your recipe.
Read our blog – Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?
Buy Pure Desi Cow Ghee Online : Order Now. Free Shipping
- Stir fry some vegetables with some ginger & garlic for a flavour-rich Asian side dish.
- Substitute cow ghee in any recipe where you’d normally use butter (baking, macaroni and cheese, popcorn, sandwiches, gluten-free toast, etc).
- Try using desi ghee to fry onions and garlic when making an Indian curry the aroma and flavour is amazing! Add vegetables such as spinach & cauliflower along with some Indian spices for a quick, flavoursome vegetarian supper.
- Ghee is ideal for grilling. Ghee has a high smoke point so it does not burn like butter would at higher temperatures making it ideal to use when grilling or roasting meat, fish or vegetables.
- Use desi ghee instead of coconut oil or butter to make pancakes.
- For a delicious garnish, try quick frying a batch of nuts & seeds in ghee and sprinkle over a dip or soup.
- Use a tablespoon of desi cow ghee to make a batch of homemade popcorn, Ghee will tolerate the high temperatures needed to make popcorn successfully.

Healthy people should have 1-2 teaspoons (15g / 1 tablespoon) of desi ghee per day to get all the benefits. Preferably suggested one teaspoon of ghee, three times a day will do the job. Ghee consists ‘entirely’ of fat. Even though it might be a ‘healthy’ saturated fat, it is not healthy to eat it in large amounts.
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