The benefits of Ghee are no secret, its been used in Ayurveda for centuries to enhance ‘Ojas’ (life energy) and our immune systems. It is said that ghee nourishes the ‘Dhatu’ or the tissues in the body and the brain. Cow ghee is the new health food of the moment that gives you the best of both worlds: it’s deeply rejuvenating, powerfully health-boosting and has out-of-this-world flavor. It should come as no surprise that it has been honored as a prized food in India for thousands of years. In fact, many Ayurvedic physicians consider cow ghee to be such a supreme health tonic that it is often recommended, in small doses, as the food given to a newborn child.
First of all, let us take a look at the nutrient structure of ghee. It is loaded with A, D, E and K vitamins. Ghee is also very rich in dietary fats. To digest these vitamins, they need to combine with fat molecules as they are fat soluble. Ghee also provides these fat molecules in the form of dietary fiber. Together, they get absorbed easily by our bodies and therefore, these nutrients can be used by our bodies.
There are many benefits of consuming desi cow ghee. If you consume desi cow ghee on a regular basis, it will boost your mental as well as physical strength. This will help in keeping your body fit and fight against diseases.
In addition, ghee is also known as a body cleanser as it removes impurities from your body. It strengthens your eyesight, your muscles and tendons.
Desi Ghee is one of those special superfoods that give you the best of both worlds: it’s deeply rejuvenating, powerfully health-boosting and has out-of-this-world flavor. It should come as no surprise that it has been revered as a prized food in India for thousands of years. In fact, many Ayurvedic practitioners consider ghee to be such a supreme health tonic that it is often recommended, in small doses, as the first food given to a newborn child, even before breast milk – refer
Read our blog – Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?

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Read our blog- Benefits of desi cow ghee for weight loss, a teaspoon daily on empty stomach will help you lose weight
Did you know that Ghee helps convert fibre into butyric acid? This short chain fatty acid supports the health and healing of your small and large intestine. Your body uses intestinal bacteria to create butyric acid, which it uses for energy and intestinal wall support. Research shows that people with unhealthy digestive tracts do not naturally produce butyric acid.
People with lactose intolerance can really find it disappointing to have to miss out on so many good food items because of their condition. The good news is that cow’s ghee made from pure milk will most likely suit you. Most of the people with lactose and casein sensitivities don’t react negatively when they include ghee in their diet.
The process of making pure ghee, especially if its made by fermenting the milk (curd), removes the lactose and only the pure fat is left behind. The end product contains no lactose making is safe for most to consume.
Due to those butyric acid boosting properties, cow ghee is a natural anti – inflammatory. In recent research, butyric acid has been shown to actually decrease inflammation in parts of the body, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract. Ghee is now a recommended dietary addition for some people with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease to ease inflammation.
Studies have shown that ghee can reduce cholesterol both in the serum and intestine, it does this by triggering an increased secretion of biliary lipids. The benefits of maintaining a healthy digestive tract will also foster an environment of better health and weight loss. The energy generated from the medium chain fatty acids can be used to burn other fats in the system and help with weight loss.
Ghee is rich in CLA’s (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), an antioxidant full of cancer busting properties according to nutritionists. Desi ghee is made from the Organic butter of grass fed cows, which is one of the highest sources of CLA. Also, that high dose of Butyric acid (that stuff sure is good) is a preventative to any cancers that are result of underlying chronic inflammation.

Applying desi cow ghee all over the body is also a common practice in Ayurvedic massage. The combined effect of the massage strokes and the absorption of desi ghee into the skin is truly therapeutic. This form of massage or Abhyanga (oil massage) is said to slow down the aging process because of the impact it has on the body and mind.
Desi cow ghee is supposed to be rich in antioxidants and it’s a wonderful agent to make your sensory organs more effective. This is the reason that it is use for body massages is considered to have a healing effect and works as a cure for people struggling with various types of inflammation.
Ghee for joint pain is a common holistic medicine which maintains healthy functioning of bones and joints, and cures age-related joint disorders. Ghee can act as an ointment that goes straight to our joints. One with joint pain seems gullible and assumes that the joint pain of our body can be prevented once we apply some ointment the moment they creak. Sustaining joint health requires a combination of approaches.Also, ghee acts as a prebiotic (food) for the normal probiotic flora of the gut which helps to modify and resolve the PH balance of the gastric flora and the formation of organisms in the gut microbiome, which in succession aids to maintain and evolve bone and joint health. This sequentially helps to nourish and avert the joint pain & breakdown of bones.
Ghee is one of the sources of nutrients you need if you are suffering from joint pain, arthritis. It aids in soothing inflammation, combats joints and decreases joint stiffness caused by arthritis.
The pure cow ghee consists of an ample amount of Butyrate, which performs as a mild laxative. It also eases your pelvic floor muscles and maintains the flexibility of the joints of the body.
Ayurveda shows that ghee creates Rasa, the utmost nourishing juice, which builds up all the seven tissues, eases the joints pain, prevents cracking and popping joints by eliminating excess vata. Consider ghee that is rich in antioxidant properties, which offers shielding to the body from harm caused by free radicals. It defends cell and tissue damage, thus giving strong immunity to the bones. The ghrita oil in the diet is a finest way to combat joint pain caused due to osteoporosis. It is supportive for people of all ages; however, suitable medicinal backup aids in better pain management along with a pinch of ghee diet. The moderate intake of cow ghee every day aids in boosting bone strength and physical fitness of the body.
You can ask what do you mean by smoke point or why is a high smoke point a good thing? Very simply put, the smoke point is the temperature at which an oil to burn and smoke. When this happens, the nutrients in the oil are destroyed and instead the toxins are released. Therefore, it’s logical that a fat with a high smoke point (can withstand more heat before getting to the point of smoking), is a better option for cooking.
Ghee has a smoking point of 250 °C (482 °F) which is higher than your regular sunflower oil or coconut oil. You can even use desi ghee for deep frying because of this strong quality and be rest assured that even at high temperatures the benefits of ghee will be intact.

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How to use ghee?
- Stir fry some vegetables with some ginger & garlic for a flavour-rich Asian side dish.
- Try using cow ghee to fry onions and garlic when making an Indian curry the aroma and flavour is amazing! Add vegetables such as spinach & cauliflower along with some Indian spices for a quick, flavoursome vegetarian supper.
- Cow ghee is ideal for grilling. It has a high smoke point so it won’t burn like butter would at higher temperatures making it ideal to use when grilling vegetables.
- Use a tablespoon of cow ghee to make a batch of homemade popcorn. Cow Ghee will tolerate the high temperatures needed to make popcorn successfully.
- For a delicious garnish, try quick frying a batch of nuts & seeds in ghee and sprinkle over a dip or soup.
- Use cow ghee instead of coconut oil or butter to make pancakes.
Use Suresh Ghee as a healthy alternative to butter or in place of oil. Perfect for frying, sautéing, baking and roasting. Try it stirred through steamed rice; you will never taste better rice – ever! Ghee does not need refrigeration; it does not spoil easily and can be kept as a shelf staple.
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