Desi cow ghee or clarified butter made from cow’s milk has been used to treat a number of ailments like cough and cold, weakness, skin diseases and pimples. It is said that aged cow’s ghee, when applied on chest, loosens cough and when onions fried in it are eaten, they relieve a sore throat. Desi ghee is an essential part of Chyawanprash, India’s ancient superfood which is a must-have during winters. Now the question is – Where can I buy Desi Cow Ghee? Buy ghee online at our online store. Visit our website to know more.
Although, winter is considered to be a healthy season, but generally in winters only we have to watch our immune system. Less immunity results in cold, cough and laziness. Especially, kids and elderly aged people need to take much care in winters.
Kids usually have disturbed sleep due to the blocked nose and stuffiness which prevents them from breathing comfortably. In this situation saline (salt + water) nose drops are usually advised. Another more effective and ayurvedic remedy is to put a drop of warm desi cow ghee in each nostril at bedtime. It is safe and prevents drying and crusting in the nostrils. (Only authentic cow desi ghee is advised as it is soothing, non-reactive, also if enters the mouth is safe and the taste is not unpleasant unlike most nasal sprays and drops). A dry cough, which bothers your baby/kid, can be treated effectively with the help of ghee. For this, dry fry and powder the peppercorns, mix it with desi ghee and give it to the baby. If the child is too small to eat this, you can try the following method. Heat three teaspoons of desi ghee in a kadai (frying pan). When the ghee becomes warms, put some fresh peppercorns (if needed smash it and then put) and sauté for a while. Now switch off the stove. Let the essence of peppercorn get into the desi ghee. Squeeze the peppercorns with the help of a sieve and remove from the desi ghee. Now give a little amount of the remaining ghee– peppercorn mixture to the baby throughout the day. You can watch the amazing effect.
Using desi cow ghee in your diet builds immunity, which prevents us from cold and cough situation in winters. So it is advisable to use pure desi cow ghee in winter for sure. A healthy human can consume 2–3 tablespoons of ghee per day. You may add Ghee in dal, roti, parathas, vegetables, khichdi, rice etc. as per your choice. A pinch of turmeric and a ¼ teaspoon of desi ghee in warm milk is really good for cold and it can modulate the immune system. But, if you still want an alternative, have Kadha! The grandmother’s recipe to cure a cold and cough is an herbal mix of spices including a couple of cloves, one stick of cinnamon, one teaspoon black pepper, an inch of ginger, ¼ teaspoon of desi ghee and a handful of basil leaves. Take a pan and ghee to it. Once warmed up, add the rest of the ingredients and add water in the end. Let it boil for 4-5 minutes.
Read our blog Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?

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There may be several reasons for the development of dry cough in a person. Seasonal allergy, dust allergy, pet allergy, etc. can be one of the main reasons for dry cough, as these allergens irritate the thoracic cavity. In addition, a dry cough can also be a symptom of viral flu, respiratory ailments like bronchitis, tuberculosis, excessive smoking etc. Before taking treatments, It is always better to talk to a doctor to find out the cause for your dry cough. Here is an ayurvedic remedy that can aid reduce constipation and treat dry cough.
Ingredients Required
- Warm Desi Ghee – 1 tablespoon
- Hot Water – 1 glass
This ayurvedic remedy to treat dry cough and constipation can work very well when used on a regular basis. Along with taking this remedy, one must also ensure that they eat healthily, drink plenty of water and exercise on a regular basis to reduce constipation naturally. People with dry cough must stay away from oily food, cold drinks, and pollution. You must also go to a doctor to know more about the cause for your dry cough. Ghee is a substance which is amazingly healthy and also comes with a number of medicinal properties, which is why Ayurveda uses ghee in the preparation of many natural remedies.

Desi ghee is a natural lubricant, it has the ability to lubricate your intestines and also help in the production of healthy digestive juices, thus allowing the stools to soften and pass out with ease. This way ghee can reduce constipation. Warm ghee also has anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe the thoracic cavity and reduce irritation and inflammation, thus providing relief from dry cough.
Method Of Preparation
- Consume a tablespoon of warm desi ghee
- Immediately drink a glass of hot water
- Consume this remedy every morning before breakfast if you have constipation and dry cough.
- If you are suffering from dry cough, Consume it before bed.

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This Secret Home Remedy For Cold Involves Desi Ghee And Is Extremely Effective
Indians grow up among a wealth of home remedies for a number of disease, using everyday foods that include fruits and vegetables. Naturally, there are Many quick home remedies for the treatment of cold, cough and nasal blockages also. Some of them involve the desi ghee, like sautéing a few garlic cloves in it and eating it warm. But did you know that rubbing the magical concoction on your body can also work wonders and provide almost instant relief?
Yes indeed. Desi Cow Ghee can be directly used to treat cold by either using it as nasal drops or rubbing some of it on your chest and your extremities, that is, your hands and legs. During winter protecting your hands and legs is the most important, as cold generally creeps into the body, through those parts. Hence, rubbing a small amount of warm desi ghee on your hands and legs, before going to bed, can help you keep warm during the night. Needless to say, cow ghee great for the skin of the limbs as well as these are the body parts where the skin tends to get especially rough and dry, during the cold weather.
The even more rare home remedy involving desi ghee for cold is the nasal drop therapy. Ayurvedic experts call it the Nyasa treatment for cold and it involves pouring a few drops of warm pure desi cow ghee into the nostrils, first thing in the morning. It provides quick relief because cow ghee travels all the way down to the throat and soothes the infection. However, one needs to make sure that the desi ghee is pure and made from unadulterated cow milk. Moreover, make sure the desi ghee is warmed to a lukewarm temperature and is not scalding hot.
It is advisable to add a spoon of desi cow ghee in your daily diet to strengthen the immune system. Eating Desi Cow Ghee which not only helps to fight Vata, Pita Dosa also helps us get our body healthy.
If the congestion is really bad, the method can be repeated twice a day. Therefore, lukewarm desi ghee can be used for nasal intake once before bed and once after waking up in the morning. Desi ghee is safer than other nasal drops and is more effective. All in all- you just can’t go wrong with desi ghee! In the case of chronic disease, the doctor’s advice is essential before one uses any kind of home remedies as treatment.
Ghee Improves Ojas (Immune System)
Seasonal allergies tend to occur during the temperature change which can lead to lingering issues related to cold, fever and bodyache which could weaken our immune system leading to more susceptible towards infections affecting the immunity of the body. As Ojas is one of the important energies that balances our immunity, strength, and happiness, three things that are required to be present in abundance. Hence, weaker forms of ojas tend to affect our health, our spirits, and our energy adversely.
According to Ayurveda, some simple ways to rebuild it through the foods is by opting to consume ghee in your regular diet as ghee is considered to be one of the highest ojas-building foods. Ojas is considered to be the essence of vitality. Therefore to embody such needs, ghee has proven to be optimum in such regard. As ghee rich in vitamins and antioxidants is considered to be a superfood that enhances immunity, supports digestion, promotes kapha and therefore, increases ojas which helps in improving immunity to shield against allergens.
Along with it ghee helps you to enhance your energy levels by regular intake of warm milk and ghee which is rich in nutrition that helps balance Ojas. Good Ojas helps nourish all tissues. As a healthy individual it is necessary to consume food that could help combat illness and infections such as honey, ghee and Jaggery in a regular diet.
Pure Desi Ghee Price Online: 1 kg Ghee Price is Rs 2400/-
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