5 Reasons to Get More Ghee in Your Life

If you are in India, you know what is Ghee all about. Importance of Desi Ghee is being told us since our childhood. We don’t only get ghee in our daily diet to be healthy; but we get desi ghee if we have stuffy nose, cold or constipation. Ghee is being used for massage. Desi Ghee is also used as the most trusted natural beauty product for almost all skin type.

Ghee – an Ayurvedic secret that’s out, just not entirely. If you have never reaped the delicious, deeply nutritious benefits of ghee (also known as clarified butter), you haven’t fully lived – and you haven’t fully yogafied. For once you taste, feel, know the incredible service desi ghee can do for you and your body, mind and spirit, you will fall in everlasting love. It is everything you ever wanted to know about ghee, just for the health of it.

Ghee is a form of highly-clarified butter that is traditionally used in Asian cooking. It is made by heating butter up to remove the milk proteins and other impurities. When milk proteins and other unfriendly substances in butter are separated out, the result is that lactose and casein intolerant people are free to enjoy.

Digestive Health is everything

Perhaps you have heard it said, if your gut is healthy, your whole body will develop well. It is true. If the digestive system struggles, all the other systems in the body will also falter. Ghee is like medicine for the gut; it provides a very important element for digestive support – butyric acid.

In a normal healthy person, the beneficial bacteria living in the intestines would take fiber and create butyric acid, which is essential for good digestion, adequate uptake of nutrients and a strong immune system. Butyric acid which increases the production of killer T cells and it also protects against leaky gut, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis and other inflammations of the bowels. In other words, people suffering from the aforementioned diseases are lacking in butyric acid.

Cow ghee is full of butyric acid and has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammations of the intestinal tract as well as other stomach upsets. Overall, the medicinal properties of cow ghee on the gut alone are worth the investment – of either time or money – to bring ghee into one’s daily ritual.

Ghee for Emotional Health

Every time an emotion is felt in the body, a corresponding hormone is released into the bloodstream. Stressful emotions produce adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine. Feelings of love produce oxytocin & vasopressin, and with the experience of bliss and ecstasy the hormone anandamide is created. when hormones not properly dealt with in the body, are stored in the fat cells.

Cow Ghee is the perfect food for emotional health as it encourages these stray hormones to take a ride out of the body without unwanted storage. Ghee takes the place of “bad fats” and acts as a cleansing agent to the cells of the body as hormones are attracted to the fat in ghee and allowed to leave the body without harm.

Read our blog- Desi Cow Ghee: The down-to-earth Indian kitchen staple is gaining superfood status

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Ghee as the perfect Sattvic Food

Sattvic is from the Sanskrit word Sattva which translates as “pure, vital, essence, energy, clean, conscious, strong, true, honest, wise, rudiment of life.” Sattva is one of the three qualities of Ayurveda & yogic philosophy, the others being Rajas (passionate, agitated, emotional, stimulant, change) and Tamas (stagnant, weak, spoiled, latent, slow, dark, stale or unripe). [These three qualities are related to the dosha body types in Ayurvedic medicine where Vata is closest to Sattvic, Pitta to Rajas and Kapha to Tamas, though they do not translate exactly.]

Cow ghee is said to be one of the most Sattvic foods as its nature is pure, its essence accessible and the energy derived from the consumption of ghee is clean, strong and true. A person who takes the time to make their own pure ghee is also put through a transformative process where their consciousness is refined and in the consumption of it, a knowledge and connection with one’s authentic nature is revealed.

Nutritional Components and Weight Loss

Not only does desi ghee assist the digestive tract in maintaining health or in healing distress, it is also chock full of nutrition that anyone could use to fortify the physical body and remove the causes of stress. Vitamin A & vitamin E are both rich in ghee, and since they are oil soluble, ghee is the perfect carrier for such nutrients to be readily accessed by the body.

Medium-chain fatty acids are high in ghee, which aid the body produce energy and when found in high supply in the body, turn the metabolism toward other less-beneficial fats and break them down, aiding you lose weight (if that is your desire).

Vitamin k2 is also found in cow ghee in rich supply, helping protect bone health and allowing calcium to be properly absorbed by the body. Cow ghee is also a great source of an omega 6 fatty acid known as CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), an antioxidant which not only guards against cancers and viral infections but helps to burn fat & boost the immune system to boot.

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From Butter to Ghee – in Greatness

Where butter has the ability to make ghee, as it births from the Mother and has all the inner elements present, only through the process of refinement do the actual, purified properties reveal themselves. Ghee is a spiritual metaphor for personal transformation as well as a means to assist one in obtaining a more enlightened state – consisting of a clearer mind, balanced emotions and a stronger body. Cow ghee is a spiritual tool which elicits mental, emotional and physical benefits for awesome health today and deeper connection with Source now.

Desi cow ghee not only offers a myriad of incredible benefits, it is also extremely delicious and enhances the flavor of any food it is combined with. With a high smoke point of around 250 °C (482 °F), ghee is an oil every kitchen should sport and every tongue ought to take the chance to delight in and take flight in.

Read our blogWhy The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee?

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How to Store Ghee

Desi cow ghee has a longer shelf life than ordinary butter and, when stored in an airtight container, can be kept at room temperature. Ghee can also be kept in the freezer or refrigerator. If storing it this way, desi ghee will keep for a long time, however, you will need to soften it to use it. Ghee should be kept in a cool, dark and dry place.


A large number of people have to struggle with dry and frizzy hair even though they have been spending quite a lot on hair treatments. Ghee is the most common ingredient in Indian households and turns out as beneficial for healthy skin and hair.

  1. Applying a minimal amount of ghee to your hair and scalp might make hair softer. These compounds can battle infections that make your hair feel heavy and cause frizz. Ghee is considered to be rich in vitamins E and A that are known to condition hair.
  2. Hair oils can be used as a substitute for ghee for head massages. Take a few drops on tips to massage on the scalp, it improves blood circulation and aids to boost hair growth.
  3. Ghee can provide moisture and hydrate your scalp. Ghee is completely natural, which implies that it is beneficial to massage ghee on your scalp and hair as compared to other commercial products.
  4. Get rid of all the artificial hair serums & sprays. Ghee is the absolute remedy to transform your frizzy and rough hair.

Ghee functions as an anti-aging skin moisturizer that reduces wrinkles, fine lines formation and skin blemishes due to aging. It makes skin soft and supple and maintains a tremendous impact on hydration of the scalp and skin surface. Ghee also decreases the blemishes and skin patches and creates a natural radiance on skin tone.

  1. Massage ghee on your face on a daily basis every morning or every two days intervals, to keep your skin smooth, moisturize, and youthful. 
  2.  A few drops of ghee when massaged on dry and chapped lips locks in moisture. 
  3. Ghee is quite the best natural remedy for skin-related issues. Its well known properties help to improve complexion, lighten scars and lessen dark circles.

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