Pure desi ghee of indigenous breed of cows if warmed & poured drop wise in the nasal passage is seen to be an effective medication in Vishaad as it gets quickly absorbed in the brain to bring quick relief. Some of the classical formulae regulate the affected Dosha involved in depression (manasika roga). These include Ghrita preparation (the ghee – butter oil preparation with Ayurvedic herbs), to name them is Saaraswat Ghrita, Brahmi Ghrita, and Kalyanaka Ghrita. Saraswatarishta and Aswagandharishtam are the fermented Ayurvedic formulae used for the same.
During the depression, the nervous activity gets disturbed, something that is attributed to Vata dosha involvement. 1 spoonful of warm cow ghee intake improves your ojas status, so indirectly it will decrease symptoms of clinical depression. A specific diet should be followed with this, so it’s best to consult your Ayurvedic professional for this treatment.
Now the question is – Where can I buy ghee? Buy ghee online at our online store. Visit our website https://sureshdesighee.com/ to know more.
Beyond maintaining a healthy mind, pure ghee is also prescribed for anxiety, depression, dementia, insanity, epilepsy and other disorders of consciousness. It is believed in ayurveda that pure ghee older than one year is a great remedy for healing mind.
Depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, loss of interest, pleasure, feeling of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep, poor appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. It is a common mood disorder in elderly and contributes to significant psychological and physical distress, physical disability and higher mortality. Depression is not a normal part of ageing. Many of our senior citizens face difficult changes such as – the death of a spouse or chronic.
In other words, a person in depression or symptoms with depression does not feel good. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone, responsible for a variety of mind (mood) and body functions. This hormone has direct connection with your guts, you do not feel good if your gut is not healthy.
An interesting fact is that Desi Ghee has that very necessary cholesterol that is responsible for making serotonin. If the amount of cholesterol is low then serotonin will be low.
Desi cow ghee is best-suited food for those desiring memory, intellect, and intelligence. Application of desi cow ghee in over the scalp area helps to calm the mind down. In depression start your day breakfast with 2-3 tablespoon of desi ghee, which is very much helpful to fight against depression.
Desi cow milk ghee is more healthy than any fabricated oil or plant-based oil source. Ghee contains vitamin A, E, and K, and it is a good side of Omega 3 fatty acids. Ghee is good for physical and mental strength for human.
Ghee is not only good for your physical health but for your mental health furthermore. Various studies have shown that utilization of desi ghee on a regular basis boosts mental health and reduces stress. Desi Ghee with brahmi herb is prescribed in the fifth month of pregnancy for the mental growth of consciousness and intellect.

Before we go any further, it’s necessary to talk about the health of your digestion as it relates to overcoming depression and anxiety. Here’s why:
Most people are not aware that a major portion of our nervous system is located in our intestines, also known as the “enteric nervous system” by doctors, or more commonly as our “second brain.” Actually, more than 90% of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut, as well as about 50% of the body’s dopamine, which is essential antidepressant neurotransmitters. Furthermore, your intestines produce and co-regulate 30 other neurotransmitters identical to those found in the human brain that is used by your central nervous system to regulate mood, sleep patterns, stress levels, mental functioning and any number of other essential body processes. As you can imagine, damaged, an imbalanced or poorly functioning digestive system—whether that is due to antibiotic use, diet and lifestyle, or simply overconsumption of irritating foods—interferes with the functioning of this second brain and has been implicated in depression and other mood disorders, many other common diseases and immune system disruption.

So how does desi ghee factor into all of this and why is it such an important food for depression?
Pure ghee, which is simply clarified butter, is the most revered food in Ayurvedic medicine, with an incredible array of remarkable healing properties, not least of which is the ability to rapidly repair the digestive tract & improve digestive function.
In a more scientific sense, Ghee heals digestive problems because it is extraordinarily rich in butyric acid, which is used in the treatment of ulcers, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer and simple digestive trouble between other things. Butyric acid works by soothing and decreases inflammation in the digestive tract and healing wounds in the mucus lining of the stomach and intestines. It also balances the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach, which are frequently disturbed in those with digestive problems & required to properly digest your food. All of these things make pure ghee one of the best foods for depression and an essential component of an effective depression diet. Refer
As an added benefit, Pure Ghee is delicious and makes just about everything it comes into contact with a taste much richer and more flavorful.
It’s a super easy win for anyone looking to fight depression with food and diet—it tastes great, it’s cheap, and it powerfully restores your digestive functioning and repairs most digestive system issues so that you are absorbing all the nutrition you are getting from the foods you eat, and your enteric nervous system is able to produce the neurotransmitters you need to feel better. Take anywhere from three teaspoons to three tablespoons per day about 20 minutes before meals.
How does desi ghee affect brain strength ?
According to Ayurvedic studies, ghee supports in promoting memory and strengthens the brain along with the nervous system. Although there hasn’t been much research dedicated to investigating such a theory but we can disclose what we are aware about ghee and about the benefits on our brains and nervous systems to determine a connection between ghee and healthy brain functionality.
Furthermore, our brains mostly consist of fat along with the myelin sheaths that tends to insulate most of our neurons. Hence, consumption of fats are necessary to maintain a healthy and well-balanced brain. Therefore, not just any old fat will go well. It is necessary to look for the quality of the fat that determines a huge difference.
Ghee is renowned as a delicious oil that consists of a rich source of omega essential fatty acids. Also, the research has concluded that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are connected to lower risks of dementia. Regular consumption of ghee that is also rich in vitamin E, an essential antioxidant that shields our cells from harmful cancer-causing free radicals which tends to include brain cells. A wide range of research has not yet formed a connection between vitamin E and decreased the risk of dementia, however, one research has suggested that moderate intake vitamin E may slow the effects of Alzheimer’s in patients that already have it.
Teamup with ghee as its characteristic sweetness and sweet tastes tends to nourish nervous tissue and the brain, improving the cognitive ability and interlinking between nerve cells.
How to Cure Depression with Desi Ghee :
- 1 spoonful of warm cow ghee intake improves your ojas status, so indirectly it will decrease symptoms of clinical depression. A specific diet should be followed with this, so it’s best to consult your Ayurvedic professional for this treating.
- The cow milk, butter, ghee, and buttermilk are like nectar. The desi cow dung is not feces but purifier of feces. It produces good quality of grains, fruits, and vegetables by becoming the best type of manure. Desi Cow urine is divine medicine and is a pesticide for the crops. Pure cow ghee made with cow milk on the cow cakes, the smoke emitted thereby subsides the effect of poisonous gas. Cow urine contains copper, which converts into gold internally the human body. it removes the toxicity. Drinking cow milk gives strength and increase the pure qualities in the human mind.
- Desi ghee is best-suited food for those desiring intellect, memory and intelligence. Application of desi cow ghee in over the scalp area helps to calm the mind down. In depression start your day breakfast with 2-3 tablespoon of desi ghee, which is very much helpful to fight against depression.
- Pure desi cow ghee of indigenous breed of cows if warmed and poured dropwise in the nasal passage is seen to be an effective medication in Vishaad (depression) as it gets quickly get absorbed in brain to come quick relief. Some of the classical formulae regulate the affected dosha involved in depression (mansik rog).
- Many studies have shown that casein, a protein found in dairy products, can drive inflammation. Casein has been linked to many psychiatric conditions, ranging from schizophrenia to depression. Dairy cannot be a problem for everyone, and some people can tolerate certain types of dairy, like raw milk. Fortunately, grass-fed ghee is a wonderful substitute for depression.
- Desi cow ghee is more healthy than any fabricated oil or plant-based oil source. Ghee contains vitamin A, E, and K, and it is a good side of Omega 3 fatty acids. Desi cow ghee is helpful to fight against depression.

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