Desi Cow Ghee massage is used to cure disturbances in pitta and vata. The ancient Susruta Samhita text claims pure ghee is good for all parts of the body. It is also an ultimate remedy for pitta (inflammatory) problems and is the medium (anupan) of preference for mixing medicines for these conditions. Now the question is – Where can I buy pure desi ghee? Buy ghee online at our online store. Visit our website to know more.
Ayurvedic massages borrow from the principles of Ayurveda to create a unique experience that focuses on relaxation, stress relief and releasing emotional blockages.
The heavy use of essential oils ( ghee) and focus on specific energy points in the body makes an Ayurvedic massage different from regular massage.
Ghee is the best among all fat substances and thousands of formulas for medicated ghee are described in Ayurveda for the treatment of countless illnesses, especially those of inflammation.

Desi ghee massage is used to support the treatments of diseases, rejuvenative treatments (Rasayana) and aphrodisiac treatments (vajikarana). We do know from modern science that cow ghee is rich in phenolic antioxidants. It is good for the growth of all seven dhatus in the body (plasma, blood, flesh, bones, fat, marrow, semen) and is suited to people of every age. Desi cow ghee makes all sensory organs more efficient, enhances the growth of hair and improves complexion and skin health. In particular, it aids in the formation of bones & facilitates healing of traumatic injuries, including fractures. Ghee is lauded for sexual vitality and for making nerve and brain tissue. Long a favorite of yoga practitioners, it lubricates the connective tissues & promotes flexibility. Since it has a particular ability to clear the manovaha srota (mental channel), it uses issued for mental diseases, namely epilepsy and psychosis.
Read our blog: Health Benefits Of Drinking Milk With Ghee At Night
Full body massage in Ayurvedic holistic healing is called Abiyangam therapy, where the oil is been chosen very carefully because deeply penetrate cells and release physical, mental and spiritual toxins from our body, hence detoxifying our body from head to toe, inside out. The oils, herbs, and massage will be carefully chosen and customised to suit your body type and doshas, enabling you to precipitate the stored-up toxins and promoting self-healing of cells. It nourishes the body and reinstate the reinstates the balance of doshas and improves one’s well-being and longevity. Ayurvedic massage help :
1. Eliminating body impurities and helps in reducing weight.
2. Calms nerves and promotes deeper and better sleep
3. Give us soften, smoothen and problem free skin and reduce ageing effects.
4. Improves blood circulation and stimulates internal organs.
Desi ghee, or clarified butter, has the impurities (milk solids) removed. Ayurveda considers the milk of eight kinds of mammals (cow, buffalo, sheep, goat, camel, elephant, mare and woman) safe for human beings. Pure ghee can be prepared from these eight kinds of milk. In normal circumstances, desi cow’s milk ghee is best for human use. (And just when would normal circumstances includes elephant ghee, anyway, you ask…).
Medicated pure ghee, clarified butter in which herbs have been extracted (ghrita), is a famous preparation method for treating pitta conditions. For example, the well-known Brahmi Ghrita contain the popular herb gotu kola, and is applied for a broad variety of brain and nerve conditions.
To make ghee, place 1-2 pounds of makhan in a saucepan on the stovetop. Melt at low heat until white curds segregate and sink to the bottom. When a drop of water flicked into the pan boils immediately, the desi ghee is done. Decant the butter oil from the pan, discard the curds at the bottom. Store in a clean jar in the cupboard. If kept clean and water free, desi ghee needs no refrigeration.
Ghee, a kitchen pharmacy for chest congestion
People suffering from chest congestion, for them ghee tends to become a medicine which you can apply externally on your chest area, upper back including your limbs to melt stubborn congestion. Once phlegm accumulates in your chest area, it not only makes it difficult to breathe but also leaves a heavy feeling, shortness of breathing,chest tightness, and lethargic. With a mixture of simple two-ingredient remedies that is effective in breaking the phlegmatic cough and ease the blockages in the respiratory channels through sweat.
Mix 2 tablespoons of ghee with 2 teaspoons of fine grains of Himalayan pink salt. Ensure that the older the better ghee has more medicinal value it consists of in transdermal application.
Mix both the ingredients and warm them up. Once the process is complete, let the mixture cool down, pour it in an airtight jar. Keep the jar directly under the sunshine for 3 to 5 days which allows the salt to slowly mix up with the fat. After 3 to 5 days the mixture is ready for application.
Before using such mixture for external application, warm 2 teaspoons of Saline Ghee mixture. Give a good application to your chest, upper back and your limbs. Massage it in such a way till you break into a sweat. Try to cover the body and try to rest for an hour.
Refer our blog: Benefits Of Applying Desi Ghee For Face Overnight

Benefits of using Desi Ghee as massage oil:
- Cure disturbances in pitta and vata
- Desi ghee massage used to support the treatments of diseases.
- Cow ghee used for rejuvenative treatments (Rasayana) and aphrodisiac treatments (vajikarana)
- Hood for growth of the all seven dhatus in the body (plasma, blood, flesh, fat, bones, semen, marrow)
- Enhance hair growth & make hair silky and shiny.
- Improve skin complexion and give us healthy glowing skin.
- Cure mental health and give peace and harmony.
On Skin:
Desi ghee may be used as a natural massaging agent for your body. Massaging your body with ghee would help you to remain fit and fine till your old age. Refer.
Aged Ghee is somehow considered the best among all the cow ghee of the world. I don’t know if you have noticed, but the ghee made by your great grandparents may generally be passed down to your parents as it may be considered to be very beneficial and important. In case if a child in your family is badly wounded the first thing that would pop up in the mind of your parents is to apply aged desi cow ghee on the wounded part of the body. This is because aged pure ghee is an ointment and a cooling agent. The usage of aged ghee on the wounded part may result in cooling and quick recovery of the wound. Ghee is also used as a bath oil. Applying ghee before bath may aid you to have smooth skin that would last for a lifetime. Pure ghee may also be applied on fire burns for quick recovery.

From the ancient times till today people in few rural villages of India practice an ayurvedic method to check nosebleed. They place a few drops of desi ghee in the nostrils of a person suffering from a nosebleed. This practice may also aid a person to be relieved from headache.
Use as a Massage Oil
Many families advocate using ghee for baby massage, while some say that it clogs the pores. The truth is that ghee protects the body from cold and helps to keep the baby’s skin soft and moisturized. So, do massage your baby with ghee daily in winters and sparingly in summers.

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