When it comes to dairy, there are some important reasons why it’s so bad for those prone to acne. Dairy products consist of three major components: fat, proteins and milk sugar. Unfortunately, some studies are proving that two out of these three components are responsible for some cases of acne.
The two acne triggers in question are the proteins and the milk sugar. The proteins in cow’s dairy are mainly casein, whey and the milk sugar is lactose. All 3 of these proteins and sugars contribute to acne in their own unique way but it all boils down to the same thing, they all mess up our hormones. Some reasons ghee is good for acne.
You’ll be glad to hear that ghee doesn’t contain any of the 3 acne triggers as they’re all separated and boiled off during the production of pure desi ghee (that’s what all the red/brown bits are left at the bottom of the frying pan area). Ghee is one of the acne-fighting superfoods! Not only is ghee perfectly safe for acne sufferers, but it also contains amazing acne busting vitamins, antioxidants, and intestine healing fatty acids. Now the question is – Where can I buy Desi Cow Ghee? Buy ghee online at our online store. Visit our website https://sureshdesighee.com/ to know more.
Ghee is lactose-free
Lactose is a type of sugar found in milk, to a small extent in other dairy products but you won’t find any lactose in ghee! When it comes to acne, it’s so important to decrease the amount of sugar in your diet as most acne sufferers are sensitive to sugar to some extent. Excess sugar consumption can stimulate insulin secretion and skyrockets blood sugar levels causing oily skin, clogged pores, and acne. The majority of humans also lose the ability to metabolize lactose properly once weaned off our mother’s milk. This inability to digest lactose efficiently can result in digestive issues whenever dairy is consumed and as a healthy intestine equals healthy skin – it’s important to eat the right foods and avoid the wrong when it comes to fighting acne.

Read Our Blog- Desi Ghee – Ayurvedic remedy to fight Pollution & Smog by boosting immunity
Ghee is free from casein and whey
When it comes to acne, studies have shown that casein raises the amount of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1) and whey in milk raises the amount of insulin in your blood, while both casein and whey have the potential to irritate the gut lining. Increased IGF-1, insulin, and digestive issues is a dangerous combination and spell bad news for acne sufferers. Fortunately, neither casein or whey are found in ghee so will not have such a devastating impact on your skin.
Read our blog – Why The Pure Desi Cow Milk Ghee Is Costlier Than Normal Ghee? https://sureshdesighee.com/blog/pure-ghee-price-cow-ghee-online-shopping-1kg-ghee-price/

Ghee contains ‘the missing nutrient’: vitamin k2
While the importance of this nutrient wasn’t well documented till recently, Vitamin K2 is now known to help protect us from heart disease, promote brain function and even help to prevent cancer.
Many years ago, eating a diet containing grass-fed animals would have provided us vitamin K2 but in today’s society, most animals are fed a grain-based diet which has actually eradicated this vital nutrient from the modern western diet.
While a severe Vitamin K deficiency can show up in more serious problems like heart disease, tooth decay and osteoporosis, it can also lead to symptoms such as easy bruising, slow wound healing and heavy periods
K2 Vitamin plays an important role in calcium metabolism. Without K2 Vitamin, the body cannot direct calcium to the bones where it’s needed so can result in a loss of bone density and excess calcium build up in soft tissue such as our arteries. You can eat more calcium-rich foods or take as many calcium supplements as you like, but without vitamin K2, it’s not going to strengthen your bones.
How does this affect my skin?
K2 may help to keep skin elastic and prevent wrinkles as helps form certain proteins, such as collagen and elastin, that maintain healthy skin cells. As well as being helpful to reduce the signs of aging, these proteins are also important for minimizing and healing acne scars! Strong links between calcium/ vitamin D and vitamin K2 are detected now that suggest wrinkles and sagging in the skin may also be the result of decreasing bone density as we age. See these x-rays as compared to the facial skeletal structure of a 20-year-old and 40-year-old woman! To help keep your skin smooth, bones strong and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles as you age, it’s important to get plenty of calcium (broccoli, leafy greens, salmon) and vitamin D along with a healthy dose of vitamin K2 (fermented foods, grass-fed animal products).

Read Our Blog- Is Eating Ghee Healthy For Diabetics?
Ghee contains bioavailable vitamin A
As an acne sufferer, I’m sure you’ve come across the drug Accutane (Isotretinoin is a powerful drug used in the treatment of acne) before – but did you know that Accutane is a synthetic (made by chemical synthesis) form of vitamin A? Accutane works by closing sebum production, therefore, reducing acne. However, like most synthetic drugs, it also comes with many unpleasant side effects like hair loss, depression, and sore, flaky skin. I much prefer to get my A vitamin from food sources as a healthy diet is a key to healthier skin and with all drugs and prescriptions, you’re not healing the root cause – just the symptoms!
Because vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, you don’t need to fill again your vitamin stores for this nutrient on a daily basis. Our bodies can store it for later use so you can ‘stockpile’ vitamin A for the whole week with just 1 serving of liver. To get your vitamin A intake up to a level which offers super acne-fighting powers.
Ghee plays a considerable role in Acne, hormone balance, fertility, liver health, and stamina.
Ghee is great for your gut
Optimal digestion is one of the main cornerstones of my philosophy to acne-free skin but without a healthy gut and good digestion, your skin will never be totally clear. Pure ghee is rich in butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid which helps to soothe and heal the intestinal wall and studies have shown that this fatty acid can also decrease inflammation in the gut!
Low Quality Ghee May Have Adverse Effects ?
Make sure that you are purchasing the best quality ghee as there are few things to be aware about a low quality ghee such as :
- Bulk of the ghee that is produced today is of the kind commonly renowned as vanaspati ghee, or vegetable ghee which is not actually a quality ghee at all, as it is not produced from butter.
- A fake ghee is produced from fully or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or cooking oil.
- Also, additives in ghee can be misleading, make sure to check ingredients as the list could reveal if there are any spices added to ghee.
Hence, the end result is a jar of toxins loaded inside it that could differ in their nutritional profile.
A grain-fed cow has been shown to be higher in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids which could be in addition to your acne, low in anti-inflammatory benefits but healthy in omega-3 fatty acids that could fight chronic inflammation. Studies have shown that many grain-fed cows are given antibiotics shots which can affect your gut health and can be in addition to acne prone skin.
It is highly suitable for people to consume non-homogenized organic, grass-fed, and pasture-raised cow’s milk to produce best quality ghee.
Incredible Benefits Of Desi Cow Ghee For Skin:
Moisturises your face
Pamper the thin and delicate skin of your face with desi ghee.
How To Use:
- Make a solution with equal parts of desi ghee and water and massage your face with it.
- Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water for soft & smooth skin.
Hydrates dry skin
The fatty acids in ghee encourage deep hydration & make even the driest of skin soft and supple.
- Warm up half a bowl of desi ghee and massage your entire body with it for 3-5 minutes before your bath. It is the perfect antidote for dry winters.
Brightens skin
Eating ghee is good, yes. But it also brightens your skin.
- Make a mask using raw milk, besan (gram flour) and an equal amount of desi ghee.
- Apply the paste to your face and wash off after 15-20 minutes for skin which looks and feels gorgeous.
Slows down skin aging
Another benefit of desi ghee for skin is that it helps defy time. Massage it into your skin daily & beat aging by many years.
The use of ghee and benefits of ghee is not limited to above, a drop of ghee on your dry lips can free you from pigmentation. You just need your pout with ghee and within a few weeks, you will get your pretty pink lips again.
Do you continuously, work on a computer screen? Do you have tired eyes? No More Just apply a little ghee under your eyes regularly and get bright, fresh and relaxed eyes. It also helps with dark circles.
Due to its nourishing and hydrating properties, Ayurveda recommends using ghee for skin care. But, unlike other ways, Ayurveda recommends a special and more effective way to use ghee on skin. Here’s how you can prepare it. Refer
Pure Desi Ghee Price Online: 1 kg Ghee Price is Rs 2400/-
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